Archive for the Life Category

A Personal Triumph

Posted in Life on August 30, 2007 by fantasywriter

Ho Hum, and a merry, merry dol, My Hearties!

Those were the words that I sang today as I walked to the car from school. Why did I sing those words? Because I’d succeeded in a personal triumph which has absolutely nothing to do with writing. Although, I’ll be connecting writing to this incident throughout this post.

Let me begin by asking this: What things really make you happy? What makes you sing nonsense for an hour or more? What makes you skip along and say hello to every person in your school?

For me, that would be succeeding in getting a girlfriend – and of course completing the first draft of volume 1 in my trilogy – but that tale is for another day. And today I did succeed in getting a girl”friend”. I put special emphasis on the word friend because for now she is my “friend”. This girl is the girl that I like. However, for various strategic reasons, I’m taking it in steps, and today I succeeded in overcoming the second last obstacle in my plan.

This will strengthen my writing. For with this happy moment I will be able to put in songs in the trilogy that come from my heart. Plus it will give me passion for the romance part of my tale.

I am quite contented at the moment.

May your souls stay pure
