An Update at Last…

Well, finally, I have found the time to give an update on things. If you’ve been wondering why there hasn’t been an update on anything for such a long time, it’s because I’ve been really busy as of late. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to balance school, computer studies, writing (or rather planning), reading, and spending a bit of time with some friends. Sounds like a fairly easy to moderate task, but in fact is is hard, I’m telling you.

School has giving me a hard drive failure. In other words, my brain has crashed because of the amounts of study, homework, and assignments we’ve been receiving. Especially over the last week. From the period of Monday to Wednesday, and some parts of Thursday, I had hardly any free time. Pretty darn hard I tell you, and most likely it will continue next week, and probably for the next seven or so weeks until the end of the year, when I get a two month holiday. How good will that be? Rest assured, in that time, I should make a good start on the manuscript of Volume 1 of my series. Or at least, I’ll finish planning the series in that time.

Computer Studies has been capturing my interest a lot lately, for the past few months. Another ball to juggle and set into place in my time schedule. Currently, I’m learning the C programming language, so we’ll see where I go from there. You can read about that and my other endeavors with computers at Computer Techie, which, as i explained in my last post on this blog, is my journal specifically for my computer studies. So, that has also been fun.

 Now for the writing update – or rather, planning update. Since my last major post which was sometime last month, I haven’t made a lot more progress. For that, you can blame school, reading and computer studies. 😛 What I have acclomplished, though, is creating a new map of my land. It’s pretty much the same as my original, but with a few details changed here and there. I haven’t completed it yet. As for the actual planning of the seven books, it’s sort of ground to a halt for the moment. I’m hoping to get back to it within a few weeks, but I’m a bit stuck as to what I really need to do. You see, I can either do character profiles before continuing the actual plotting, or, i can just do them afterwards. I’m not sure yet, I’ll need to ponder.

I’ve been doing some quality reading lately, and thats part of the reason why I haven’t had any writing time. I’m three-quarters of the way through The Divine Tailsman which is Book II of the Legend of Asaheil Trilogy by Eldon Thompson.

Hang in there…


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